The last 10 days I have been suffering from a terrible sore throat. So bad that I would wake up in the morning and feel like I couldn't close my mouth all the way. And at night I was near tears. Being pregnant there was very little I could take over the counter to help with the pain/symptoms. By the end of this last weekend I was convinced that I had strep. Off to the doctor I went on Monday for a strep test that came back negative. I could have cried. This diagnosis meant no antibiotics, no treatment at all -- and because I'm pregnant the doctor told me he could not give me anything for the pain. **insert tears here** Luckily, he did send me off to an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist though which left me feeling a little bit hopeful.
The ENT helped me! Being tired from pregnancy and sick with some sort of super virus is about zero percent fun -- but after meeting with the ENT I was cheered. He was very kind and understanding and told me A) there ARE antibiotics I can take while pregnant and B) they had something for the pain. Yesss! They confirmed that what I had was either a nasty virus or a bacterial infection that the strep test didn't pick up. They gave me an antibiotic and a "magic mouth wash" that helps with the pain. Just knowing that I'm treated has improved my mood by a MILLION and with that I'm starting to feel on the mend. Mornings and nights are still uncomfortable but at least I'm medicated!
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