Monday, November 21, 2011

So Tired

I'm so tired I could smack someone. During week 4 I was REALLY tired but I chalked a lot of that up to coming off some of my meds. Now I'm just zonked. Over the weekend 50% of my time was spent sleeping, 25% was spent eating and another 25% was spend watching Law & Order reruns. How can I be this tired after a weekend of doing next to nothing??? How can growing something that is now the size of an apple seed take such a big toll on my body?

............and I'm cranky. I pretty much karate chop Eric in the throat every time he opens his mouth. I am totally resenting my dog. I get annoyed with everyone -- even innocent people who just walk past my desk. Basically I just want to cut off all contact with the world and hide under my bed (with the TV tuned to Law & Order) until my 2nd trimester. Has this been done before? I think this would be an excellent way to spend the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

I still like Carly for some reason though.....

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